Why do we have this web site?
The Hambright Family Reunion at Kings Mountain has been on going for 75 years. I know that different family groups have their own at different times and locations. Over the last 75 years this reunion has changed. In the beginning it was basically 2 large family groups getting the cousins together. As our society has changed and the generations have become less familiar with each other, the reunion has taken on a different meaning.
As we grow older we begin looking at “where do I come from”. This has taken many on a journey to discover who their ancestors are. The purpose of the web page and the reunion is to help those newly discovered cousins find out how they fit into the family line. The reunion allows us to discuss this. We plan the reunion around the closet weekend to the festivities at the Kings Mountain National Battlefield. Our Grandfather, Col. Frederick Hambright was a hero of the battle, getting wounded there, just feet from where Ferguson was killed. This pulls an entire weekend together to discover more about who we are. A second purpose of the reunion is to provide support for the upkeep of Shiloh Presbyterian Cemetery. The Colonel is buried there. plus many of his descendants. The church is very small and unable to keep the cemetery up. Throught the diligent work of some of the family members headstones have been repaired, and the general up keep is paid for. This is paid for buy the generous donations of family members. (See Shiloh Cemetery Donations tab).
If your Hambright Family Group meets and wants to add information or pictures to this site, please see the contact tab and let the webmaster know. We would love to see other cousins that meet throughout the USA.